How Will We Make 2015 the Best Year for Pike Students?

EdTechTeacher and Google have partnered to create the EdTechTeacher Google Jamboree. The jamboree is a one day conference designed for educators including panel discussions, keynotes, and hands-on sessions at Google Headquarters in Boston on February 27th.  This is a chance for educators to learn from cutting edge thinkers and innovators in the field of technology and education and connect with other educators around the world. The event is limited to 200 participants.  To apply applicants must submit the answer to the following question ” How will I make 2015 the best year for my students?”  publicly in 250 words or less via a blog post, google doc, info graphic, image, poster, google slide, video, screencast or animation.  The following is my application and answer to the the question above.

EdTechTeacher start reading here.  

The Pike School is halfway into year two of our 1to1 iPad initiative in grades 6-9 and we are very excited about the opportunities that this initiative has already provided for our students. Students have created videos and iBooks to explain their thinking and show their understanding, backpacks are lighter, and students have access to a  world of knowledge at their fingertips throughout the entire day. To make 2015 the best year for Pike Students, the Pike Tech Department is taking advice from EdTechTeacher’s Justin Reich. In his checklist for “Moving Beyond Pockets of Excellence”, Justin recommends picking a small number of goals on which to focus, rather than, a large number of broad goals that can be more difficult to implement. The Tech Department has chosen these two of the six 21st century literacies from the National Council of Teachers of English to focus on with teachers and students this school year.

  • Develop proficiency and fluency with the tools of technology
  • Design and share information for global communities to meet a variety of purposes

To work towards these goals we are developing a four part course that will give teachers ideas, strategies, and training for classroom activities which will be available on this blog for teachers who cannot attend. We will be organizing Educamp style workshops for both teachers and students where the community can learn and share ideas. In addition, we will be assessing our progress via surveys to both students and teachers. Working in partnership with our teachers and students on these initiatives is going to make 2015 a great year!

Inspire Creativity – Three App Smashing projects from Greg Kulowiec


Looking for new ideas to help students tap into their creative side?  Check out this post by Greg Kulowiec.  App smashing discussed in a a previous post is when “students and teachers use multiple apps to create individual pieces of content that are then merged or smashed together into one culminating product”.  Three App Smashing projects by Greg Kulowiec gives details on how to create ….

  1. Animated paper videos
  2. RSA animate style videos
  3. Video lab reports
  4. Art reflection videos

As always the Pike Tech Department is available to help you get started with these projects.